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School Transport

If you are new to AAA School Transport, you may have lots of questions and concerns, so we have created a helpful list of FAQs we get asked most often. AAA have been providing Home to School Transport for many years, and have a dedicated team available Monday to Friday, 7am-5.30pm.

Please do check our FAQ’s before contacting us. However, if your question has still not been answered, please contact us on 01707 333666 or email

School Transport Frequently Asked Questions:

We have applied for transport from the Council, what happens next?

You should have received a letter from the Council confirming that transport has been authorised and that AAA will provide the transport.

We will contact you to confirm we have been authorised to provide the transport and will then check the information we have been provided with – name, address, telephone number, allocated school/college and timetable.

Once transport is put in place, we will then contact you again to confirm pick-up times, the driver and the Passenger Assistant (if one is provided).

Will my child be sharing transport?

This is determined by the Council; we can confirm if your child is on shared transport but cannot provide details about who they are travelling with.

What if my child needs transport equipment? (booster seat…)

If you have applied for equipment to be provided through the Council and this has been authorised, then the Council will ask us to provide this (booster seat, harness etc).

How will I know who is collecting my child each day?

We aim to find a regular driver for your child’s school run as soon as possible, and once confirmed we will communicate their details to you (name, car, colour, registration). If a Passenger Assistant is required, we will also confirm who this will be.

What is the school run process for morning and afternoon collection?

We operate a curb-side service as stipulated by the local authority. In the morning, will need to walk your child to the car and put their seatbelt on (if they are not able to do it themselves). In the afternoon, you will need to collect your child from the car.

My child won't be attending school, how can I let you know?

For any holiday or sickness absence, please contact us on 01707 333666, or email The Schools team are available from 7am until 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Outside of office hours, our call centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, please ask them to leave a message for the Schools team. Please do not make arrangements directly with your driver or Passenger Assistant.

My child needs to be picked up at a different time on a one-off basis, can you change it for me?

Unfortunately, we are not able to make any changes to pick up or drop off times without the authorisation of the Council. This includes, but not limited to: After School Club, Detention, Breakfast Club, School Trip, Class late finish.

My child’s timetable has changed, can you change the time of transport?

If your child’s timetable has changed from the original timings given, please contact the Council who will then inform us once the new approved timetable has been authorised, we will then implement the changes.

My child didn’t have time for breakfast, can they eat it in the taxi?

No food or drink can be consumed on transport. Water is permitted.

My child isn't ready for the pickup time allotted, how long will the driver wait?

The driver can only wait at your address for 5 minutes past the allocated pick-up time, after this he will move on.

My child needs to be dropped to a different address; can you do this?

We can only drop off at an address approved by the Council. Please contact the Council if you need an alternative address approved, such as a family member or neighbour.

We are moving address, what should we do?

Please contact the Council as soon as possible to let them know your new address. Once we have received confirmation from the council regarding the change of address, we will contact you to confirm this.

I won't be home on time to collect my child from transport, what should I do?

You are expected to be home in plenty of time to receive your child. If you are not able to be, you must give us advance notice, we will then check with the local authority to see if they will authorise the driver to wait, as this will incur a cost.

My child has medication that needs to travel with them, can you take it?

If your child has medication that needs to travel with them, you will need to inform the Council first who will then authorise us to include this in your child’s transport.

To contact us you can email us at or phone us on 01707 333 666